Business Consultation

Business Development and Processes improvement

Sometimes a fresh set of impartial eyes on your business can really makes a difference, it opens up a window for you to analyse your business’s processes, efficiencies and effectiveness. Simple questions that you never ask yourself, like: -

We employ a Six Sigma approach to your processes and operation, which are based on us really understanding the methodology before attempting a Six Sigma project.

Six Sigma was developed by Motorola in the 1980s as a methodology to systematically improve processes and eliminate defects by requiring all engineering requirements to fall within plus or minus six sigma from the process mean. The method was increasingly adopted in the U.S. as industry leaders such as G.E. implemented the system, and today it’s viewed as much as a management philosophy and culture as it is a strict methodology. Within Six Sigma, there are key procedures and methods to guide projects, such as DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control).

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